Brighton Art Guild P.O. Box 65, Brighton, MI 48116 | brightonartguild@gmail.com
Officers and Board of Directors
Meet The Team
Bob Wollenhaupt
President 2025-2026

Amy Williams
Vice-President 2025-2026

Amy Haselhuhn
Treasurer, 2024-2025

Maureen Ray
Secretary, 2024-2025​smb3ray@gmail.com

Pamela Day
Board of Directors

Donna Engstrom
Board of Directors

Lisa DeLuca
Board of Directors

Tricia Hampo
Board of Directors

John Wallbank
Board of Directors
Emeritus: Jerry Hosier Emerita: Betty MacLeod
Introducing the crew
Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Guild—they’re the reason everything runs smoothly and all of our amazing art opportunities happen! From organizing events to helping with exhibits, our volunteers truly make it all come to life. We honestly couldn’t do it without you! You are the behind-the-scenes magic that keeps the Guild thriving, and we’re beyond grateful for every single one of you. Volunteers—you're essential, you’re appreciated, and you make everything possible!
Dean Rogers
Sarah Hurtubise
Presentation Co-Coordinators
(2 members).
This position entails finding regional artists or art-related professionals to give an hour talk at one of our general meetings. We usually have two critique/show and tell meetings and several art take-ins are scheduled on Wednesdays, so it works out to be about seven or eight presentations during the year. Presenters receive a $125 stipend.
Contact: Dean Rogers cheetahspirit37@hotmail.com

Membership Coordinator
Bob Wollenhaupt
(2 members)
Keeping track of new/renewing members. Collating information from Membership Questionnaire. Sending emails regarding upcoming events/deadlines. Contact: Bob Wallenhaupt
Art at CoBACH Co-Coordinator
Pamela Day
(2 members)
This position requires creating about five or six exhibits during the year with themed group shows or solos, and possibly coordinating with other locations. Some of the tasks entail emailing and recruiting artists, coming up with relevant themes, organizing install and de-install dates, mounting the artwork, putting up gallery cards, and coordinating with our graphic designer to make promotional material.
Contact: pameladay@ameritech.net

Cheryl Chidester
Lisa DeLuca
Art in the Alley C0-Coordinators
(2 members)
This venue takes digital images on file (like on website) and select appropriate ones for the alley. Requires some coordination between graphic designer, printer and web designer as well as contact with the artist.
Also need to recruit helpers at installation/deinstallation.
Contact: Lisa DeLuca
Art at the Library Co-Coordinator
Amy Williams
(2 members)
Same as Art at CoBACH but this venue can also host non-guild artists and in the past often hosts two-person shows.
Contact Amy Williams - amyteresewilliams@gmail.com

Chamber of Commerce Coordinator
Lisa DeLuca
(2 members)
This position requires creating about four exhibits during the year. Some of the tasks entail emailing and recruiting member artists, organizing install and de-install dates, hanging the artwork, putting up gallery cards, and coordinating with our graphic designer to make promotional material.
Contact: Lisa DeLuca - annatude2002@yahoo.com

Newsletter Editor/Writer
To Be Filled
(1 or 2 members)
This position needs to write up the next month’s calendar, describe upcoming events and Guild volunteer needs, and add other copy as needed. Usually, the information comes from a board member or public spaces curators. Copy needs to be approved by several board members and sent to the webmaster Donna Engstrom by the 20th of the month.
Contact Bob Wollenhaupt if interested.
Tuesday Critique Group
Cathleen Burton
Cathleen Burton will host a critique group on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 3pm-5pm starting February 11th.
Contact burton.cathleen@gmail.com

Tricia Hampo
Thursday Critique Group
Tricia Hampo will host a critique group on the last Thursday of the month from 1pm-3pm starting January 30th.
Contact: trishhampo@gmail.com
Donna Engstrom
BAG Contact for Teachers
If you are interested in teaching art classes at the CoBACH Center, please contact Donna donnajengstrom@gmail.com